Aqueous Cleaning & Aqueous Parts Cleaning Systems
International Plating Technology has the experience to design and manufacture an industrial cleaning machine specific to your part production requirements. Our industrial aqueous equipment and cleaning machines are available in automatic hoist systems for basket or rack transfer, continuous conveyor, rotary drum and rotary table.
Aqueous cleaning is the process of cleaning a surface in an aqueous solution. This is typically done with soap and water, or other solvents. As aquatic cleaning equipment manufacturers, we work with customers to design systems suited to a specific application, then manufacture those systems to exact specifications. This usually involves everything from customizing pumps and motors, designing specialized nozzles for optimum performance and optimizing chemical mixtures for maximum effectivity. Aquatic cleaning systems can also be designed depending on what type of job needs to be done at any given moment.
Cleaning systems are designed to remove debris from parts and process equipment during manufacturing operations. Parts are cleaned to ensure they are free of any contamination which would cause them to fail in service or during use. The equipment used in these processes can be customized to fit your needs with our custom design services.

Large, Heavy Duty Overhead Hoist Aqueous Cleaning System
This system uses a unique fixture rotating system that rotates large parts within the tanks and above the tanks to aid cleaning and to minimize dragout.

Six Stage Monorail Aqueous Cleaning System
Stainless steel construction, heavy duty base frame, gas fired heat. Designed to clean and dry various size stamped components. Large access doors (not shown), to service quick disconnect spray nozzles.

Dual Lane Conveyor 7 Stage Aqueous Cleaning Phosphate System
Stainless steel construction with steam heat. Designed for 200 pound parts removing machining oils, chips, prep for painting and drying. Large hinged access doors for servicing the spray headers. Many sizes and configurations available.

Rotary Drum Continuous or Batch Process
Stainless steel construction. Various sizes and processes available. Heavy duty construction with easy access for maintenance. Unit shown is a batch system designed to clean and burnish copper and aluminum stamped parts in 4 cubic foot batches. PLC control, steam heat and automatic water make-up.
IPT LLC is a leading manufacturer of aqueous cleaning equipment. We specialize in industrial parts washers, commercial parts washers and aqueous parts cleaning systems. Our systems are designed to be simple, effective and affordable for any size company.